Scott Sereboff

I am a veteran of multiple startups including my first startup with Jeff Amerine. I am a passionate believer in the idea that a business has to exist on solid foundations in order to maximize its chances to succeed. I have developed this belief over my many years of business and hope to share that with any one interested in chatting. My family and I live in Austin TX. A published musician, and have long experience in presentations and public speaking.

Area(s) of Expertise

AI, Security, Loss Prevention, IT, Data, Data Security

Description of Area(s) of Expertise

Sales, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Startup Foundation Work (i.e. back office), market entry in US, market entry in foreign markets, brand management, public speaking, presentations

Consulting Preference

Literally anything that helps them maximize the chances of success. I have made many mistakes, had successes, love to share experiences!